Decis Audio Briefing Demo

The world doesn't need a new podcast (but you might)

🙀 My mind is officially blown.

I tested Google’s Notebook LM (no, I don’t know why this took me so long to test) and am really impressed with the results. I gave it all of last week’s regional reports and it turned these into a conversation-style podcast. But it’s not just two voices reading the reports verbatim: it’s a natural-sounding discussion.

But what really caught my attention was the context that Notebook LLM added in addition to the ‘raw’ reporting. For example, the metrics at the start of each report just include the commodity price or value but in the discussion, the script takes the price of wheat and extrapolates that to bread prices and how these affect people.

Great context and really impressive.

Hear for yourself.

I did clip this about halfway as it started to repeat the topics in more depth, and there are a few other tweaks I would make. However, given that all I did was drop five documents into the notebook and hit ‘go’, I’m really impressed.

The Team in Action…

The Ask

But here’s the important question: what do you think? Personally, I love listening to the news but that’s not for everyone. So please take a minute to let me know which format works best for you.

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